Weather forecast Karachi 02-01-2025
Weather Thursday 2 January temperature from 20 °C to 26 °C, cloud cover up to 33%, no precipitation, wind up to 4.39 m/s (gusts up to 6.19 m/s), air humidity from 43% to 74%, atmospheric pressure from 761 to 764 mm Hg, UV Index to 7 during the day. Forecast for the next days on the chart.
Sunrise 07:14
Sunset 17:53
Sunset 17:53
TableType of temperature:
°FThu, 2 Jan, 2025
Forecast from 20 °C to 26 °C and precipitation
Cloud cover
Wind speed and direction
Air humidity
Atmospheric pressure
Ultraviolet index
Thu, 2 Jan, 2025